shakti cabral

Hi! I’m Shakti Cabral. I’m a Transformational Akashic guide, Transformational Healer and teacher of 5 Element Qigong. Born in Birmingham UK where I trained in massage, aromatherapy and reflexology which took me to a Holistic therapy course. I lived and worked in London for 10 years training in a variety of healing modalities and spent time developing my inner and outer worlds.

I work and teach from my own experiences and have been working commercially within my field since 1991. My passion is to assist humanity with it’s ascension along with re-connecting people with their Soul purpose and divine power. I have taught Hatha Yoga & Five Elements Qigong for many years internationally but have chosen to focus solely on the ascension process and re-alignment of Nature, Soul, Spirit and humanity.

I was a resident member of the Therapeutic Team at Amchara Detox & Fasting Retreat in the UK and have also taught in Thailand, Bali, Malaysia and India. I used to live in London, England working in corporate stress management and then in Glastonbury running Transformational retreats.

In 2016 I took part in a TV show for the BBC called “The Retreat with Nick Knowles” and was the resident healer and Qigong teacher, treating both cast and crew.

I am currently working and living in Koh Phangan, Thailand teaching and giving private healing, coaching and training sessions locally as well as on-line to clients all over the globe. I also teach Transformation Guidance and Transformational Akashic Guidance on-line and in person to those dedicated to their path.

My gift and soul purpose is to support the transformation which accompanies evolution. I’ve gained experience over 30 years by working through my own pain and life challenges, which means I bring a highly embodied understanding to my work. I have cultivated a daily practice, integrating many modalities resulting in deep levels of alignment, harmony, peace and inner balance.

True transformation happens when you treat the cause and not just the symptom.

During sessions I hold a facilitating space for my clients to experience their own transformations with guidance and support. I am passionate about getting to the underlying core of problems/conditions and don’t buy into illusion. My focus is on finding solutions which allows resolutions to be realized and then actioned. My goal is to enrich and empower you to reach your full potential so that you line up with your soul’s work.


includes but is not limited to:

Hermetics – Thailand
​Living Akashic Therapy – US
​Chi Yoga School – London
College of Psychic studies – London
​Reiki Masters – London
NLP – PPD Learning – London                                              Qigong – London
Twelve meridians and 5 elements – Regents College – London
Shamanic Tantric Arts – Thailand
Qigong – Daniel Le-Ox – Thailand
5 Elements Qigong – Peter Clifford – Thailand
Sacred Femininity Tantra – Bali
Magnet re-balancing therapy – Monaco





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