Welcome to the transformational world of alchemy!
The Akashic Records are a vast realm of potential that is available to you so that you can transform your life. The point is elevation, love, empowerment, sovereignty and happiness!
My 3 main pillars of my teaching are:
- I cut out the dogma, mystical fluff and get to the point. I teach in easy to digest, accessible ways, at all levels.
- I bring awareness and depth to my teachings, delivering information in simple, bite sized portions that I myself have learned and understood.
- We learn from our past actions by taking responsibility for them. We then take action to correct it. This way we move forward with fresh potential.
Discover the living library of all space, time, dimension and learn how to re-arrange it to create the life of your highest aspirations!
If you are already on a path of self discovery and enquiry, you will be aware that you are the common denominator of your life experience and that you are the one who makes the changes Being able to shift your focus and use your creativity to benefit both the self and others is key here. All you need is to be able to feel and visualize. The rest will flow with ease!
I offer you the opportunity to re-arrange, re-structure and re-create your life with you being the one who makes the choices.
So, what exactly are the Akashic Records?
The records exist in a realm known as Akasha. This is a higher dimension than the one that we currently live in. It exists within the higher mental realms and holds the frequency of everything that has happened, is happening and that will happen (a realm of choice, possibilities, probabilities etc.). The latter is based on how we live and arrange this current moment.
The Akashic Records hold frequency information of all existence. Your Soul, your family, home, creations, pets, what you did, thought, felt, every deed and intent etc. EVERYTHING from the beginning of existence!
In higher dimensions the rules of time don’t apply so something that happened 300 years ago can be accessed immediately. They are infinite and most of us explore just a tiny fraction.
GFor many hundreds of years the Akashic Records were thought to only be accessed by gifted mystics and psychics but nowadays due to the evolution of humanity, many are feeling drawn to and are starting to develop an understanding of these realms.
It is for this reason that I have compiled this user friendly course to give you your own personal keys and codes to your Akashic records. I show you how to access them but first of all we make sure that your space is secure and protected. From here we take a look around and you get acquainted with your infinite personal empire!
Training includes
- Guided visualisations on How to safely access and secure your Akashic Records
- Guided visualization How to clear old Contracts, Agreements and Heart Oaths
- Guided visualisation on how to clear your DNA from old inherited energy and karma, burdens, projections and un-resolved emotions and scenarios that don’t belong to you or serve your path
- 3x Private or Group two hour long sessions with Shakti
- PDF of the written content
- Homework and self-practice assessments
- Certificate on completion
- Unique training
- Trained up in Akashic Records and assessed directly by Shakti from the individual level that you are at.
- Private 1:1 training – £500
- Group training – 2-4 students (to maintain high levels of personal attention) – £300 each.
In order to receive this training, you must first experience at least one Transformational/Akashic therapy session with Shakti. If you would like more information, please enquire through the Contact tab. To reserve your place click the BOOK NOW button.
May your light shine infinitely brightly!
NOTE: No part of this course may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without prior permission of the publisher and author.
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My 3 main pillars of my teaching are:
- Simplicity:
- I cut out the dogma, mystical fluff and get to the point. I teach in an easy to digest way that all levels can understand.
- Awareness:
- I bring awareness and depth to my teachings in easy to swallow bite sized portions that I myself have had to learn and understand.
- Transformation:
- We transform your energy into something that supports you now and for your future from this present moment. The point is elevation, love, empowerment and happiness!
Discover the power of your inner worlds and learn the art of transforming your life!
If you are already on a path of self-discovery and are aware that you are the common denominator and master of your own life, then this course is for you!
This training programme supports you as you delve deeper, taking responsibility for what you have currently created.
It is about discovering, or rediscovering that we have a much wider range of options and possibilities available to us than we are generally aware of. Once you start using the tools that I share with you, you will find that your options start to open up and you get to explore and manage your life with much more direction, power and clarity.
What is Transformation Guidance?
At the core of our deepest trauma, our inner most pain is our greatest gift. It’s been there all along, hidden from sight like a diamond in coal, formed and preserved under the greatest pressure. It never left you but you lost IT.
Transformation Guidance is about finding your gifts, bringing them home and living your life through the enrichment of your highest potential.
Sometimes we create from a place of fear. A place of not wanting to re-create the fear that we are fearing! Other times we create from lack, because we just don’t have enough of what we want. Sometimes we create from anger as a response to something that we’re not happy about or from our past experiences. From these states, we create more of what we don’t want.
Each of us lives in our own world, a world of experience, unique to one-self. Our personal world of experience is shaped and moulded by the meanings and interpretations that we give to that experience, as well as the choices that we make based on those meanings and interpretations.
We are free to choose far more about our world and our self than we have generally been shown or even dared to imagine.
I created this course to share with you valuable tools that can carve a way through the roughest of experiences, emotions, patterns, programs and beliefs and transform them into something beautiful WITHOUT re-traumatizing you!
This course is for you is you are ready to align your choices with the life that you truly desire!
Training includes
- Guided visualisations on Grounding, Cleansing and Protecting your energy
- Guided visualization of Body Speak – How to de-code the messages of the body and unearth your strength, essence and truth
- Guided visualisation on how to clear your own energetic and emotional blocks
- 3 x Private or Group two hour long sessions with Shakti
- PDF of the written content
- Homework and self-practice assessments
- Certificate on completion
- Private 1:1 training – £500
- Group training – 2-4 students (to maintain high levels of personal attention) – £300 each.
Please use the contact tab for group bookings.
To receive this training, you must first experience at least one Transformational/Akashic therapy session with Shakti. If you would like more information, please enquire through the Contact tab. To reserve your place click the BOOK NOW button.
Terms and conditions
Trainings are non-transferable.
48hrs notice is required if you need to change or cancel your appointment time.
Arrive with an open mind, respect, discipline and commitment.
Please avoid the consumption of drugs and alcohol for at least 48hrs before class.
Once the course has commenced (ie. you have booked, paid for and received your first class), the course is
non-refundable with respect.
Reiki level 1
This is for you if you are interested in the field of self-healing and transformation.
There are many different Reiki trainings and a variety of styles and applications. I have chosen to teach in a way that allows for wisdom to grow through experience.
What do you get? This is a 2-day course from 12 noon to 5pm both days. Exact times are flexible according to your availability.
During Reiki 1 training you receive the following:
Full manual with all explanations
History of Reiki and it’s many applications
Reiki principles and the up-dated version
Hands on practice for self healing and giving sessions to others Sacred Reiki level 1 attunement
How to see and sense energy
In addition: An Introduction into Qigong (a huge, often forgotten part of Reiki).
Understanding the ego.
Understanding fundamental Universal and Cosmic Law.
Learning how to understand what your body is really saying with ‘Body Speak’ training and visualisations (this is important if you are planning to take this further and work with others as well as yourself).
- Private 1:1 training – £350
- Group training – 2-4 students (to maintain high levels of personal attention) – £200 each.
Reiki level 2
This is for you if you are interested in the field of self-healing and transformation, wish to expand your awareness and application of Reiki and have completed your Reiki Level 1 training.
This is a 2-day course from 12 noon to 5pm both days. Exact times are flexible according to your availability.
What do I get?
Full manual with all explanations
Receive 3 sacred symbols and learn how to draw and apply them during personal and client sessions
The science of Reiki
How to send Reiki through space, time and dimensions
How to give multiple and absent healings
Sacred Reiki level 2 attunement
How to cleanse space
In addition:
How to transform aspects of the ego into pure supportive energy that complements our highest aspirations
A take away guided visualization on Transformation
- Private 1:1 training – £400
- Group training – 2-4 students (to maintain high levels of personal attention) – £250 each.
Terms and conditions
Trainings are non-transferable
48hrs notice is required if you need to change or cancel your appointment time.
Arrive with an open mind, respect, discipline and commitment.
Please avoid the consumption of drugs and alcohol for at least 48hrs before class.
Once the course has commenced (ie. you have booked, paid for and received your first class), the course is
non-refundable with respect.
Reiki Master Training
This training is for those wishing to amplify and deepen their skills. It is also for those who wish to one day teach and continue to share this gift.
What you get:
Full manual with all explanations
You will receive 4 more sacred symbols and learn how to draw and apply them during personal and client sessions
Learn how to give Reiki 1, 2, Masters and Healing attunements
How to give self and distant attunements (strictly only for those who have already been attuned)
Learn how to work through ‘the shadow’ and transform heavier, darker energy to light.
Reiki lineage
The difference between traditional and non-traditional Reiki
How to set up a ‘multi-dimensional Reiki grid’
The Reiki pharmacy
Reiki psychic surgery
How to structure courses and bare essentials to include
Client care and after care
A more in-depth overview of Reiki levels 1 and 2
This is a 4 day course from 12 noon to 5pm both days. Exact times are open for change in accordance to the students availability. Courses are one to one or couples so that we can focus on your individual needs during the training
- Private 1:1 training – £800
- Group training – 2-4 students (to maintain high levels of personal attention) – £500 each.
I created ‘En-lighten Up’ for you as a solid foundation for the Transformation Guidance System along with recorded Sonic Harmonic brainwave technology visualizations so that you have a clear, easy to use, solid foundation for your journey to empowerment.
This book is for you if you want to:
Create positive change in your life
Clear what’s blocking your abundance
Find inner love, peace and happiness.
Realise how much energy you ACTUALLY have!
Step into your power
‘En-lighten Up’ is the product of a lifetime’s experience and it’s only the beginning but if you practice and master all of the exercises in this book, I promise you that your life will improve immensely because the power of creation within your grasp. Oh – and I’ve helped thousands of people with these methods!
This is an experiential guide to inner personal freedom.